The following has been a draft since 4/20/15 - and I start to think ...
Does anyone even really read this? Maybe if I
think they don't I can say anything I like. There's plenty of stuff I don't want to talk about and posting
doesn't mean I want to. I am just getting it off my chest and out of my head.
With that being said .. ;)
It has been far too long - I have been enjoying my time since the baby was born but it is time I say hello to all of you again!
I hope you're all still here and look forward to what I've been thinking about since my last post!!
First of all - I found this draft in my list of posts. It was started on 12/9/13, titled "Am I cut out for this??" and the only text inside the draft was:
It has been over 2 weeks since my last post ... I am sorry. Sometime I wonder if I can make it in this blogging world!
Well, I think that answers that question!! 2 weeks seemed like an eternity... now let's talk about a whole year between posts.. and then now 2 months since my last post!
I feel more out of control and unorganized in the last 5-6 months than I did when I first became a brand new mom. I actually read a book over the last month, and added about 5+ more to my list.. I haven't read since well before The Baby was born.
There never seems to be enough time in the day, for anything at all.
I want to be a better Friend, Sister, Daughter, Wife, Mother and Christian. Yet I find it all very hard.
I am disappointed in myself for things I have left unfinished.
In the last year I have become a:
-Jamberry Independent consultant
-Buskins Leggings Affiliate (now Sparckily)
-Young Living essential oils
I love these companies and the products, but when am I going to accept that I am not a "salesperson"?? ;) Yes, we need more income - who doesn't? but this is not the answer, for us. But what is?
Yes, this blog post is ALL over the place - and I hope it makes a little bit of sense, but I really just wanted to get it out there, out of my brain, into the internet world ... like I should have so many months ago.
I love you all for reading it .. I hope you went down this far!
Maybe I can start writing more about stuff that makes sense... I need to figure out what it is that I want to write about and focus on that.
I am posting this before I don't (AGAIN) and I need to add another header about how long it sits as a draft. Thank you again for being here - I hope to see you more often in the near future! ;)